Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/13/14 Day 6
     VBS Day! How to go about explaining our day... I don't think there are any words to explain the kind of day we just had. Marti, Mary and Nancy did an awesome job of planning out all the rotations for VBS. The over all theme was the wordless book. Black for our sin, red for the blood of Jesus washing our sin away, white for white as snow, green for growth in the Lord, and yellow for heaven.
     This morning we started off by getting everything ready for an afternoon full of VBS. We planned for about 160 kids and for it to be a busy afternoon. I don't think any of us really had an idea of what was really going to happen this afternoon.
     This afternoon the kids started to trickle in around 1:30 and by the time we started at 3:00, we had close to 180 kids. Even though we were un-prepared, everything worked out and our interpreters did an awesome job at helping us out.
     Praise God for a successful day that none of us will forget!

Jessica Schmitt

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

8/12/14 Day 5
     Today was another day guided by God! We were without our large group of interpreters which made the day interesting with trying to communicate with the construction workers. Even though it was more difficult today, we were able to keep going by using sign language, smiles, and nods. We were able to knock out more of the 3rd floor flooring, finish some hallway painting, and we got in some quality time by playing with some kids.
    Tomorrow will be a fun day for all of us! We will be getting ready for the kids to show up for VBS. Marti and some of the other team members have planned out a great selection of rotations for the kids. I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Jessica Schmitt
More pictures from the project. It has been awesome loving on the kids! More pictures to follow. Please remember to pray for our team!

Monday, August 11, 2014

More pictures from the project! Team DR is on the move being the hands and feet of Jesus in the Dominican Republic!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

8/10/11 Day 3
     Today was a day of fellowship and worshiping our one True King. This morning started off with having praise and worship with the church that we are working at. Wow do they know how to worship! It brought tears to my eyes.
     After church most of us got to visit with our sponsored children. Visiting with my sponsored kids have to be one of my favorite things to do when I come on a missions trip to the DR. There were some interpreters to help with the language barrier at times, which helps out a lot, but there are 7 of them and 23 of us. But Praise God that even at times of awkward but good glances of smiles and laughs, God still shines through each and everyone of us to let them know that we really do care about them.

Jessica Schmitt

More sponsor visit pics coming tomorrow

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Here is a few pictures from the project we are working on. We know it's not about the building, but about how God is going to use this building to impact generations of Dominican's. We are so blessed to be a part of that!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

8/8/14 Day 1
What a day! We started the day off bright and early with 100% humidity.  And no that was not a typo. The Church/Center has 3 floors. The first floor is the main church area which has been completed, the second floor which is used for classes needs to be painted, and the third floor which will also hold classes needs to be demoed, plastered, and painted. As soon as we got to the job site we broke off into teams. One team set out to start the painting on the second floor, the second team went all the way upstairs to demo the floor to make it level and to start plastering the walls, while the third team went outside to sift sand and to haul bucks with a pulley system up to the third floor full of sand and to lower chunks of concrete down and move out of the way.
     Even though many of us don't really know each other, we pulled together as a team right away and everything has gone smoothly for the most part. Some of us might have scratches and bruises, but we will not let that stop us. We are here for a reason and we will let our light shine through to the end!

Jessica Schmitt

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Just thought I would post a powerful memory from our trip last year. This is Luis, our sponsored child praying for healing for Bev. An amazing Kid! God is at work in and THROUGH the people in the DR. Expect the unexpected!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dominican Adventure

This Friday morning Team DR will awake to the sights, sounds, and smells of Santiago, DR
There is plenty of anticipation of what God has in store for our time in the DR.
Please keep checking back for trip updates!